
Monday, 22 February 2016

Final Product

1 comment:

  1. There is excellent use of the sound that has been created which compliments the visuals and are appropriate to the task. The sound reflects the urban setting and costume used, and helps to create further emotion and response from the audience, especially when the lead antagonist and sidekick are getting ready to go out and commit violent acts towards the end of the opening. The themes of suspense and violence are appropriate and proficient for the task, genre and target audience. There is proficient use of editing techniques, especially at the start, that reflect the instability of the characters. This is also reflected in the typography style of the opening credits. There is a proficient use of camera handling and framing, however this could be improved in the middle of the opening during the ‘training’ sequence. In addition, there is proficient use of mise en scene such as the location, the urban costume, iconography of the knife and low-key lighting to create further meaning.
