The preliminary
task was to set up a conversation between two people whether from our group or
external students and to record this conversation without trying our upmost
best to create a perfect masterpiece as it is only our first recorded product.
Its main aims were to see how we handled the camera, who was the best in front
of the camera and what we could do with the 30 seconds that were given to us.
This exercise helped the group in terms of confidence and having the ability to
peer assess each other
and analyze our own work in that process.
In terms of
filming I think I am more comfortable when it comes to holding the camera and
the handling of it to explore and experience new angles to use with the final
media product. This was good as I could aid my partner when it came to filming
so that it wasn’t just a one man job and more teamwork in terms of filming both
preliminary and final media product.
I also got to
grips with being in front of the camera and holding myself together when it
came to serious scenes and doing the right things at the right time to add to
that element of mystery and thriller. This was good as it set me up for more
work in front of a camera if needed so.
In terms of
editing I think I am more comfortable with making sound to suit the purpose,
theme and scenario as I can look at footage and create sound to blend in with
the moment as well as allowing the scene to tell a story without having any
dialogue using the sound I add to the scene. This is good as then when it came
to creating sound that fit the purpose I was already ahead in knowing what to
Also it helped
me improve when it came to using Logic Pro as I was using a software which was
more advanced than GarageBand in terms of options and limitations. By using
this I could do things to the sound I had input for the final product that
GarageBand couldn’t do such as tweaking the Sub-Bass or being able to change
the sound completely.
Preliminary - Final Product
In the
preliminary this scene is similar to that of this scene in the final product in
which the character is sat on a chair just relaxing not even serious about
anything at that current moment. This is shown clearly in the final product
that we took the seriousness from our preliminary and added it to the final
Looking at this
scene of the preliminary video it seems like he is fearful of his current
situation and is worried about the arrival of possible punishment, which in
some ways links to the final product as the victim is waiting for the
antagonist to arrive and decide what to do with him. Compared to the
preliminary things went from being bright to more dark scenery and placement.
From the
preliminary to the final product we tried to use filter to make sure the
colours remained the same but at a sharper contrast and leaving it to suit the
theme of the scene, grey, black, both implicating something is about to happen.
The initial planning
became essential for me to ensure everything was at its best because it helped
me improve my general knowledge on the different concepts of media that help
create a good thriller. Because of this planning it helped me to further my
knowledge by doing research into the different areas such as sound and editing,
and because of this I was able to use what I had learnt to contribute to the
group planning when it came to storyboarding and planning how the narrative and
plot would pan out, also with my storyboard I already wrote it down then I just
visualized it in my head and drew it out on paper. We planned group roles based
on experience and skill as me and my partner both had different abilities at
our disposal. Pre-production paperwork was done as a group and helped us understand
what was needed to license the recording if done on private land also we had to
undergo a risk assessment which was and is compulsory when taking part in
events like that.
I believe I made
a successful thriller, far off perfect but enough feedback to help me if I make
another thriller opening. Compared to the preliminary, and the fact that we had
a really low budget to produce an opening of that quality shows we can produce
something successful.
I enjoyed
acting in-front of the character and creating sound for different scenes as it
has helped me adapt my skill of analysis and understanding as now I can look at
scenes with no sound and plan what type of sound can be added to the scene
rather than being unoriginal.
I think that
many things can be improved with my opening thriller sequence based on the feedback
received. Such as restricting the number of filters attached to different
scenes, the original colours were rarely seen as they were replaced with other
filters in their place which put a limit on the analysis of natural colour and
how we used it to depict the current theme and mood around each scene which was
something that could have been changed just by watching it over and comparing
it to other thrillers.
I have learned
how bigger film producers go through the production of their film using a
slightly bigger software if there is one. By using new software I have also
learnt how to import videos and editing them to my taste which is something I had
the chance to do in the process of creating the final product. I have also
learned how to create pre-production paperwork when it comes to filming at
locations owned by somebody else, this ties in with carrying on with this
subject as I may have to record something else which may have to do with a
location that is owned by someone else which will mean I’ll have to create my
pre-production paperwork again without help as I already have experience.
You have demonstrated a basic understanding of your development from the preliminary to the full task. There is some limited discussion regarding your preliminary and final product, but no specific comparisons in relation to cinematography or editing. There is some personal reflection at the end.